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ドキュメント機能追加仮承認未処理2017-01-07 04:092017-02-14 01:28
テスターdemotester担当者 ソースsharp/mz700.cpp
セット mz700, mz800, mz1500
mz1500 - MZ-1500
mz700 - MZ-700
mz800 - MZ-800
概 要MZ-1500とMZ-800の違いについて。
詳 細Ad 1)
A quote from youkan (Japan) about the misconception among MZ-1500 and MZ-800 system:

"It is misunderstanding that MZ-800 and MZ-1500 are almost identical. MZ-1500 is not just a Japanese version of MZ-800. They are both based on MZ-700 architecture but differently extended. MZ-1500 does not have 640x200/320x200 bitmap screen but has 8-color PCG screen (1024 PCGs consist 320x200 screen). MZ-1500 has two SN76489 while MZ-800 has one. Etc. You would easily understand it if you look at the motherboard of them."

Ad 2)
Very detail description of difference between Jpn. MZ-1500 and MZ-800 versions:
http://www.8bity.cz/2016/japonsky-sharp-mz-1500-a-rozdily-proti-sharp-mz-700-a-mz-800/ (pls. use translation from the site link)

Ad 3)
Scheme of MZ-1500 - IO_198409 on p.337 - https://archive.org/details/Io19849
Scheme of MZ-1500(QD) - IO_198410 on p.345 - https://archive.org/details/Io198410
追加情報Currently the "mz800_cass" sw-list is attached to mz1500 driver instead of mz1500 sw-list, and according to above this is wrong !
Both MZ-1500 and MZ-800 are compatible with MZ-700 sw-list, but are not compatible between itself !
So, the "mz700_cass" list could be attached to both mz1500 and mz800 drivers as they are compatible with it !