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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2016-11-06 03:292017-04-11 02:07
テスターStHiryu担当者 ソースtechnos/wwfsstar.cpp
セット wwfsstar
wwfsstar - WWFスーパースターズ (Euro版)
概 要アトラクトモードでリング右端にゴミラインが表示される。
詳 細When the screen covers the right side of the ring in attract mode.just where the cpu teammate is waiting, a distorted vertical line seems to apear for a while. This doen't happen when you're playing. I'm afraid it happens on the real arcade, but I have to check it...
再現手順Just watch the attract mode, when all the wrestlers are being introduced.
追加情報Provided a video with some key moments the vertical line is visible (always in attract mode):
Check at minutes 0:47, 0:57, 1:06, 1:10, 1:28 and more...
