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ゲームプレイ解決済み修正済み2016-10-02 09:052021-12-11 15:34
修正コミット 4d1fdd2プルリク #8454
セット vendetta (all versions)
vendetta - クライムファイターズ2 / Vendetta (海外版, 4 Players, ver. T)
概 要地面にいる敵の当たり判定が違う。
詳 細Was brought to my attention by MURPHAGATOR while I was asking him about another issue - some large enemies including the stage 2 mid and end bosses can be kicked on the ground from a large distance. On the PCB players need to be on top of the enemies for the attack to trigger. Has been verified on world and japanese PCBs.
再現手順Use Boomer, reach stage 2 boss (Missing Link), knock boss over and press kick lined up on the Y axis but not lined up on X, see image. You will usually kick the downed boss from a distance but this shouldn't work and should result in a plain kick as if an enemy isn't there.
添付ファイルpng fileB7W7te1CIAQ7Lwa.png (2016-10-02 09:05)