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グラフィック認証済み未処理2015-07-04 08:072016-10-02 08:59
テスターAugusto担当者 ソースkonami/vendetta.cpp
セット vendetta
vendetta - クライムファイターズ2 / Vendetta (海外版, 4 Players, ver. T)
概 要最終ステージでエレベーターのところで表示不具合あり。
詳 細In the last stage in region of elevator the falling flowers has graphics issues and a when that happen the gameplay has an little of slowdown.
If gameplay is 4 players the sprites flicker and has an slowndown being extreme in last boss scene of extra stage after of last stage.
Please see the save input.
Good luck an have an nice night.
追加情報Added an MNG video of recording capturing the screen oddness. I suspect the slowdown is due to voices ,, screams often make the game slow down in a manner that seems on purpose.
添付ファイルpng file0002.png (2015-07-04 08:07)
zip filevendetta.zip (2015-07-08 17:31)