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その他解決済み修正対象なし2014-10-16 23:212023-03-30 08:15
テスターdemotester担当者 ソースnec/pce.cpp
セット sgx
概 要sgxシステム速度がかなり落ちている。
詳 細The speed of sgx system has been reduced substantially.

I noticed this running the sgx "Axelay" demo on 3 different mess versions: mess0147u4b, mess0148b, mess0155b

Results on my pc (Pentium M 2.13GHz, 1Gb RAM, WinXPSP3):
- started from mess0147u4b directory ... after pressing F11 => got "skip 0/10 100%" (constant) ..............................the speed is 100%
- started from mess0148b directory ....... after pressing F11 => got "skip 0/10 ~65%" (min_63%, max_67%) .........the speed is ~65% (see Additional Information)
- started from mess0155b directory ....... after pressing F11 => got "skip 0/10 ~50%" (min_48%, max_52%) .........why the speed is reduced ?

JFI ... also, if now start the demo with mess.exe taken from:
- mess0147u4b directory inside of mess0148b directory => got "skip 0/10 100%" (constant) .................................no change in speed
- mess0147u4b directory inside of mess0155b directory => got "skip 0/10 ~65%" (min_63%, max_67%) ..........the speed is reduced ?
- mess0148u4b directory inside of mess0155b directory => got "skip 0/10 ~45%" (min_44%, max_46%) ..........the speed is reduced ?

mess0147u4b, mess0148b ..... http://www.progettosnaps.net/mess/links.html
mess0155b .................................. http://mamedev.org/release.html
"Axelay_Demo (SGX).sgx" .......... http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24924
再現手順1) create 3 directories => mess0147u4b , mess0148b , mess0155b

2) into each of directory unpack / copy only the according "mess.exe" file and the demo file "Axelay_Demo (SGX).sgx"

3) into each of directory create an .ini file with => mess -cc

4) now start the demo from each directory with => mess sgx -cart "Axelay_Demo (SGX).sgx"
追加情報The latest messinfo.dat (sgx):

- 0.148: Convert to using new more accurate video chip device emulation [Wilbert Pol].
添付ファイルzip fileverbose_showconfig.zip (2014-10-17 20:05)