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グラフィック認証済み再発2014-10-14 03:292014-10-17 04:08
テスターdemotester担当者 ソースnec/pce.cpp
セット pce, tg16
概 要"Split-Resolution Demo by Chris Covell"のデモが正しく動作しない。
詳 細The demo "Split-Resolution Demo by Chris Covell" does not work as it should ...

compare with the picture inside of pouet "SplitRes.zip" file:

再現手順mess pce -cart "SplitRes.pce"
追加情報Demo is tested with MESS pce system ... if try to use tg16 system it will crash the emu while starting !!!
The "SplitRes_readme.txt" says: "It's a little technical demo for the PC-Engine/Turbografx-16 system ..."

AFAIK, the emu "RetroArch with mednafen_pce_fast_libretro.dll" run it w/o a problem.

NOTE: Original issue with crashing resolved, but issue with incorrect display of screen remains. (Fixed 0.155 - etabeta)
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2014-10-17 01:13)