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ゲームプレイ解決済み実機のバグ2014-02-17 20:112014-04-03 09:31
テスターrcoltrane担当者 ソースjaleco/megasys1.cpp
セット stdragon, stdragona
stdragon - 天聖龍<セイントドラゴン> (set 1)
stdragona - 天聖龍<セイントドラゴン> (set 2)
概 要実機では3面のボスが毎回現れる。
詳 細The 3rd level boss in MAME should appear every time you play the game according to tests on a real PCB (thanks to system11 on Shmups.org for doing the tests for me). Currently in MAME version 0.152, the 3rd level boss only appears if you destroy the last big structure that precedes it. But according to the tests done with the original PCB, even without destroying the last structure, or destroying random structures, the boss should appear to fight against you every time.

Bottom line, it is indeed a MAME bug of some sort.
再現手順Play the game to the end of the 3rd level and do not destroy any of the big static structures that comes right before the end of level boss. The boss must emerge from the bottom of the screen.
添付ファイルinp filestdragon.inp (2014-04-03 09:30)