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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2014-02-04 11:422019-05-11 05:12
テスターShideravan担当者 ソースrca/studio2.cpp
セット studio2 and clones
概 要グラフィック不具合多数発生。
詳 細Older versions seens to run well. I tried a lot of older versions compatible with most recent dumps, but they continue with the problem.
My shot it's that the problem is related with the most recent dumps.
This problem occurs with all clones, being visicon a messed green background and other clones with blue background, but all will show messed graphics.
I can't say if the system freezes or it's just a graphical problem, that's why I marked major rather critical for severity.
I used MESS 0.152 official build from http://mamedev.org/release.html.

This problem ever occurs with any software or bios.
再現手順Just run the system with or without any software inserted.
The graphics will be ever corrupted for all the software tested.
追加情報That's my first report in MAMETesters. I read the guidelines and another reports, but if there problems with my report, please notify that I will try to do better reports next time.
Also, English is not my native language, and even I'm doing my better, please be comprehensible with my English errors.
添付ファイルpng filespacewar.png (2014-02-04 11:42)
png filespacewar after A1 pressed.png (2014-02-07 21:43)