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DIP/入力認証済み未処理2013-06-11 03:182013-06-11 10:01
テスターWindDrake担当者 ソースmidway/tmaster.cpp
セット tm8k
tm8k - Touchmaster 8000 (v9.04 Standard)
概 要NextWindow Touchscreenをマウスエミュレーションモードで使用すると、画面タップをクリックとして認識しない。
詳 細Using a NextWindow Touchscreen in Mouse Emulation mode, MAME will not accept a screen tap as a click, but Flash Games and other non-Mame applications have no issue understanding the tap. You have to enable Light Guns first, then either touch-and-hold or touch-and-wiggle to get MAME to see the input as a tap event (in this case, Gun 0 Trigger).
再現手順Using a NextWindow Touchscreen with MAME Lightgun Support enabled, try and assign screen tap to any digital input. It will require a Touch-And-Hold or Touch-And-Wiggle. I've verified this on an HP Touchsmart 300, 500, and 800, all with NextWindow Touchscreens.