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グラフィック認証済み未処理2012-01-01 22:492012-02-14 04:16
テスターhaynor666担当者 ソースdataeast/actfancr.cpp
セット triothep, actfancr and clones
actfancr - アクトフェンサー -Cybernetick Hyper Weapon- (海外版 revision 3)
triothep - トリオ・ザ・パンチ - Never Forget Me... (海外版)
概 要グラフィックがずれる、または表示されない。
詳 細in some places both games have missing or misplaced graphics. In most places is not too visible (like during attract in Act Fancer - black lines, or attract in Trio - wrongly moving pipes) but there some places (like first boss in Act Fancer) where you clearly see missing/misplaced graphics.
再現手順Run both games and observer graphics during attract mode (easier) or start game (harder to notice)
追加情報Changes in 142 probably cause this
添付ファイルpng fileactfancr_bugbig.png (2012-01-01 22:49)
png fileactfancr_bugnone.png (2012-01-01 22:49)
png fileactfancr_bugsmall.png (2012-01-01 22:50)
png filetriothep_1.png (2012-01-01 22:50)
png filetriothep_2.png (2012-01-01 22:50)
png fileactfancr10002.png (2012-02-05 03:06)
png fileactfancr10012.png (2012-02-05 03:06)