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その他最小解決済み修正済み2011-12-02 07:012016-11-29 01:10
テスターNekoEd担当者 ソースsega/stv.cpp
セット sokyugrt
sokyugrt - 蒼穹紅蓮隊 / Terra Diver (JUET 960821 V1.000)
概 要5番目のボスで"Reduction Enable 0102 - Contact MAMEDEV"メッセージが出る。
詳 細When playing, the popmessage "Reduction Enable 0102 - Contact MAMEDEV" will appear during and remain for the duration of the next to last boss fight (Fifth stage boss, thanks SgtSarros!)
再現手順Play the game to the fifth boss (or just play until you get to the point where the message pops up.)
追加情報There is an "Invincible Mode" in the game's service mode settings which can aid testing to the point where the message appears.
添付ファイルpng file0001.png (2011-12-03 03:49)
png file0001a.png (2011-12-03 07:36)
png file0002.png (2011-12-03 07:36)