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サウンド認証済み未処理2011-11-18 10:182020-12-25 03:07
テスターretrorepair担当者 ソースseibu/seibuspi.cpp
セット viprp1
viprp1 - バイパーフェイズ1 (New Version, 海外版)
概 要タイトル画面などの効果音が変。その他、BGMなども不完全。
詳 細The sound effect that "pings" when the game logo comes together from the top and bottom of the screen and when the "1" appears on the title screen is incorrect.

The same sound occurs ingame when you collect an item.

Check this video (only one I can find for reference) at 30 second in for how it shoud sound (turn your speakers up):

I do recall hearing the same oddity in Raiden Fighters but I cannot find it to reproduce it now.
追加情報It's clear the sound is created currectly by the synth however it strikes me that it should be a sample. The synth may call the sample, it may not but the current sound none the less is incorrect.
添付ファイルmp3 fileViper Phase 1 01.mp3 (2011-11-18 11:45)
mp3 fileViper Phase 1 02.mp3 (2011-11-18 11:46)
mp3 fileViper Phase 1 03.mp3 (2011-11-18 11:46)
mp3 fileViper Phase 1 04.mp3 (2011-11-18 11:47)
mp3 fileViper Phase 1 05.mp3 (2011-11-18 11:47)