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ゲームプレイ最小解決済み実機のバグ2010-11-23 00:052010-11-24 03:49
テスターIaspis担当者 ソースcapcom/cps2.cpp
セット 19xx and clones
19xx - 19XX -THE WAR AGAINST DESTINY- (Euro版 960104)
概 要最終ボスを4分15秒以上かけて倒すとランクSになり、多くのボーナスが入る。
詳 細The game features a point bonus (also called "rank"): S(pecial), A, B, C, D and E, which is awarded to the player in accordance to the time spent for beating each boss (faster is better). In the final battle, if you spend too much time beating it (over 4 minutes and 15 seconds), the rank bonus awarded is still rank S and not the correct rank E. This is reproducable only in the last one, since all previous bosses escape sooner if they are not destroyed.
再現手順Destroy the last boss in over 4 minutes and 15 seconds
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2010-11-23 00:05)
png file0001.png (2010-11-23 00:06)
zip filefinal.sta.zip (2010-11-23 00:13)