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その他最小認証済み未処理2010-03-13 11:062010-03-14 00:24
テスターNekoEd担当者 ソースjpm/jpmimpct.cpp
セット trivialp
trivialp - Trivial Pursuit (New Edition) (prod. 1D)
概 要In-game EPROM tests take a ridiculous amount of time
詳 細The EPROM checksum tests in set trivialp take an incredibly long time to complete, well longer than the approximate times listed on the test screens. Compare to scrabble, where the tests complete in reasonable amounts of time rather close to the approximations given. To complete the tests in trivialp in a reasonable, but still rather long amount of time, unthrottling the game is necessary.
再現手順Open the back door ( "9" by default ), then wait until the game displays "BACK DOOR OPEN". From there, hit the "TEST/DEMO" key ( "=" by default ) and you'll hear a sound then go to the test menu. The ROM tests are in the second half of the menus, accessed on this set by touching "MORE TESTS" at the bottom of the list.
追加情報I have not tested any of the other sets in the driver, feel free to do so if I don't get around to it.