カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
サウンド解決済み修正済み2009-10-09 17:322019-01-28 22:19
テスターgeorgc3担当者 ソースmidway/midvunit.cpp
セット wargods
wargods - War Gods (HD 10/09/1996 - Dual Resolution)
概 要起動テストでSound D/RAMチップとListen for Toneテストでエラーが出る。
詳 細When starting the game on the official version, the post runs through its tests, the diagnostic results shows Sound S/RAM has failed and has an ERROR EE and Listen for Tone has an ERROR E1 The game will load and is fine but the volume of the sound is so low so I had to press F2 to go to the service mode to adjust the volume so high in order to hear the normal quality of sound.
再現手順Start the game after you have the rom and chd file for War Gods. After the ROMs are tested, the RAMs should good. The results will show that the Sound S/RAM is bad and reads ERROR EE and Listen for Tone reads ERROR E1. It will also say the 15 RAM Sets have passed and 2 have failed. Pressing any button will allow the game to load with the sound being so low. Press F2 to go to the service mode and scroll down to volume adjustment and turn all the way up in order to hear the normal volume of sound again. If you want it louder, then may adjust volume on your computer.
添付ファイルpng filewargodsmame0126.png (2009-10-10 12:45)
png filewargodsmame134.png (2009-10-10 12:51)