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その他機能追加認証済み未処理2009-09-26 14:112009-09-27 00:34
テスターnightsoil担当者 ソースdynax/ddenlovr.cpp
セット mjmyornt
mjmyornt - 麻雀 東洋の神秘 [メダル] (日本版, v1.00)
概 要時刻を設定して更新しようとしても、自動でPCの現在時刻に戻ってしまう。
詳 細When I try to set the clock in this game it won't let me. I try to set the time and then it insists on going to my PC's real-time clock for the time again.
再現手順From the game screen, press 9, then N. You will see a time set screen. Try setting the date and/or time. Once you finish, it will revert to your PC's clock time.
追加情報I notice that bug #01785 is not totally dead yet: when I tried this around 00:55 or so, the time jumped to 12:55 and not the expected 00:55, but everything else seemed to match the "real" time. Except for the year, that is, but the game's clock cannot handle years as late as 2009, can it?

I want to be able to set the time and/or date in this game in order to show what the in-game calendar did during the span it was apparently built for. Look at the graphic: isn't it beautiful? I want it to show something other than garbage.

Now, according to the site http://koyomi.vis.ne.jp/
1909-09-26 (the date in my picture) was "kyuureki" 8/12
2009-09-26 (the "real" date) is "kyuureki" 8/8
so where is the 8/25 in the picture from ???
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2009-09-26 14:11)