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グラフィック認証済み未処理2009-07-12 09:312019-11-29 01:07
テスターnightsoil担当者 ソースmetro/tmmjprd.cpp
セット tmmjprd, tmpdoki
tmmjprd - ときめき麻雀パラダイス -ディアマイラブ-
tmpdoki - ときめき麻雀パラダイス -ドキドキ編-
概 要対戦相手選択時と対戦中で相手の名前が違う。その他、いろいろな表示不具合あり。
詳 細1) The names of the girls as given in the "character select" and character data screens do not match the character names on the game screen: for example, the character referred to in the Character Select screen as "Seiya" is called "Minami" in-game, but Minami is the name of a different character (assuming that the names given in the character select screen are correct).

2) On the game screen, the graphics for calls do not appear properly: a layering problem?

3) After a round is won, sometimes text which should appear in front of the character's body appear in back of it.
添付ファイルpng fileseiya.png (2009-07-12 21:27)