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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2009-01-10 22:442014-03-06 16:16
テスターbono担当者 ソースnmk/nmk16.cpp
セット mustang and clones
mustang - US AAF ムスタング (25th May. 1990)
概 要敵機が地面より下を飛んでいる。レイヤープライオリティの不具合。0.115では正しく動作していた。
詳 細You can see enemy planes fly under the ground scrolling layer.
Enemy planes must be in the same layer depth as the players plane.
Only behind the first graphic layer of the scroll.
It looks ok on 0.115.
再現手順Tafoid:</B> Either let the demo play run for a bit and you'll notice some explosions behind one of the ground layers or when you play a game, within the first couple seconds, one of the planes will swoop behind the ground layer - as the snapshot shows.
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2009-01-11 02:46)