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BugID: #02622

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
サウンド仮承認未処理2008-11-03 17:342008-11-05 00:32
テスターYonah担当者 ソース
セット Various
概 要Refresh Speed設定を使うと音が歪む。
詳 細Refresh Speed設定を使うと音が歪む。最も分かりやすいのはファンタジーゾーンで、クレジット音が明らかに歪む。
再現手順-refreshspeed 1

Use 60hz monitor refresh rate.
追加情報In the case of "Fantasy Zone", the distortion became worse with version .128, while some games such as Splatter House (splattej) had been distorted for some time. I believe update 0.127u2 is why Fantazy Zone sounds different:

Changed refreshspeed target to 0.25Hz below rate provided, in order to
guarantee that inexact timings do not lead to sound stuttering.
[Aaron Giles]
添付ファイルpng fileFantzoneCredit.png (2008-11-03 17:34)
wav file127.wav (2008-11-05 00:30)
wav file127u2.wav (2008-11-05 00:30)