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グラフィック認証済み未処理2008-09-01 00:472008-09-01 05:44
テスターdyq担当者 ソースigs/igs011.cpp
セット xymg, wlcc
wlcc - 萬里長城 (中華板, V638C)
xymg - 幸運滿貫 (中華版, V651C)
概 要ダブルゲームで余計なグラフィックが表示される。
詳 細During double game, the "Odds" area will be show on the top which cover the words"Cai Yi Cai"(Guessing). I suspect it is the real show on the PCB. I remember when I played the game on arcade before, there was nothing above the top area. Anyway we need confirmation by side-by-side comparison.
Or we can dedude that the event is nothing with odds. The "Odds" subject is the same as in the odds list (as show in 2nd pic). If it does exist there, the colour is also wrong(the one in 2nd pic is correct).
再現手順Just watch the demo of xymg or grtwall.
追加情報igs_blit.c renamed to igs011.c in 0.135u1
affected set grtwall renambed to wlcc in 0.135u1
添付ファイルPNG filegrtwall_double game.PNG (2008-09-01 00:47)
PNG filegrtwall_odds list.PNG (2008-09-01 00:47)