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クラッシュ/フリーズ認証済み未処理2008-08-29 03:322018-07-06 12:56
テスターLuigi30担当者 ソースmisc/usgames.cpp
セット usg32
usg32 - Super Duper Casino (California V3.2)
概 要バナー編集時にキーボード入力が必要だが、ドライバにはキーボードは実装されていない。
詳 細usg32 freezes up when you try to edit the banner, waiting for keyboard input that never comes since the keyboard's not hooked up in the driver.
再現手順1. Start up usg32 and set the keyboard to attached in the switches menu.
2. Go to test mode and try to edit the banner.
3. Watch it go into a loop in the debugger.
追加情報It's caused by code at $9F2D:

9F2D LDA $2000
9F30 ANDA #$01
9F32 BEQ $9F2D
9F34 JSR $9F56
9F37 JSR $9F56
9F3A JSR $9F56
9F56 LDX #$01D2
9F59 LEAX -$1,X
9F5B BNE $9F59

It's trying to read from the input port at $2000 and going into an infinite loop waiting for ANDA #$01 to be false, meaning the keyboard would be unplugged. But once that happens, it goes into another loop jumping between some other addresses waiting for input and still doesn't work until you either F3 or hard reset the game.