カテゴリ |
重要度 |
ステータス |
解決状況 |
登録日時 |
最終更新 |
DIP/入力 | 低 | 認証済み | 未処理 | 2008-08-28 22:20 | 2019-10-07 04:38 |
テスター | Chunce1 | 担当者 |   | ソース | cinematronics/leland.cpp |
バージョン | 0.127 | 発生バージョン | | 修正バージョン | |
| | 修正コミット | | プルリク | |
フラグ | 実機・資料検証済み |
セット |
wseries, basebal2, dblplay, strkzone |
セット詳細 |
basebal2 - Baseball The Season II
dblplay - Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby
strkzone - Strike Zone Baseball
wseries - ワールドシリーズ (rev 1)
概 要 | 投球位置の設定操作が反転している。 |
詳 細 | When Aiming to Pitch up is down and down is up. When Pitching the controls are fine. So when you try to correct the Aiming by reversing the Axis it works but then the Pitching is reversed. I have duplicated this with the original controls from the game via dual strike hack, a mouse, and a keyboard with all the same results. Also contacted someone with a working World Series machine who confirmed this does not happen in the real game. This problem is not seen when hitting although you do have to reverse the axis for that to work properly. So the problem is with Joystick 2's Y-axis |
再現手順 | Start 1p game and button press space bar through all the menus. You start off pitching so just press tab and set the controls for Joystick 2's x and y-axis with whatever optical or analog controls you want, or a keyboard. Then while pressing the spacebar a white dot will indicate the aim point, move up and down and you will see the reverse happen. Release the space bar now pull back(down) and release or push forward and you will pitch as it should be. The problem is with the Aiming. |
追加情報 | I tried to upload a save state but it said the file was invalid. Sorry for that and any other offenses I may have committed, long time in the scene just never reported a bug. Than you very much for your consideration. |
添付ファイル | |