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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2008-07-09 11:172010-09-11 04:46
テスター-MAME Source-担当者robizaソースseta/ssv.cpp
セット stmblade
stmblade - ストームブレイド (US版)
概 要3面の最初で、画面左側にグラフィック不具合が現れる。
詳 細Left side of screen has noticeable gfx corruption as soon as stage three begins. Can be reproduced in both MAMEUI64 and official 64-bit binaries. Did not test 32-bit binaries.

There is a rogue "tilemap" sprite that pops up at level 2 and stays there till the end of the game (a piece of sky to the left of the screen). It seems that the x&y offsets in the sprite list should be applied to it (-$200,-$200) to move it off screen. But currently those offsets are ignored for "tilemap" sprites. This may be related to the kludge for srmp4 and to the kludge for keithlcy;
追加情報Reported by denzilla
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2008-07-09 11:23)