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画面反転/カクテルモード認証済み未処理2008-06-01 13:592012-06-10 11:59
テスターUser_303担当者 ソースnmk/nmk16.cpp
セット Many sets in nmk16.c
acrobatm - アクロバットミッション
概 要画面反転がうまく動作しない。
詳 細Example: acrobatm

with flip screen dip on the graphics are not correct such as the title screen and during the demo the ships dissappear off the screen
再現手順turn on flip screen dip
press shift and F3
watch demo
追加情報A number of games in this driver already have a "GAME_NO_COCKTAIL" flag on them as well as a number of sets that have flip screens that do not work and probably should have this flag. For instance: acrobatm has had this problem since it was added in 0.57 (well over 6 years ago).. but not flagged.