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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2008-04-26 21:432010-05-20 05:01
テスターLastNinja2担当者 ソースsega/system1.cpp
セット wbmlbg
wbmlbg - ワンダーボーイ モンスターランド (英語版, 海賊版 set 2)
概 要2面と6面でグラフィック不具合がある。
詳 細I've noticed a couple of graphics bugs that always appears in this bootleg, albeit i don't know if the emulation is correct or not in this case.

The first one is in round 2. Go inside the Shields Shop and select the left shield: many glitches will appear around the sceen and some of them (noticeably under the coin indicator and on the right side of the screen) will remain until you finish the stage.

Another bug appears when you fight Sphinx in round 6: select the answers and you'll see a lot of glitches to appear everywhere. Again, they disappear when the stage is over.
追加情報See attached snapshots.
添付ファイルpng file0001.png (2008-04-26 21:43)
png file0002.png (2008-04-26 21:43)
png file0003.png (2008-04-26 21:43)