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色/パレット解決済み実機のバグ2008-02-23 07:412008-02-23 07:45
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者 ソースkonami/tmnt.cpp
セット tmnt
tmnt - T.M.N.T. -スーパー亀忍者- (海外版 4 Players, version X)
概 要下水面で敵の色が変わる。
詳 細In the sewer level when there are foot soldiers jumping out at you out of the water, they start out white, only to turn purple as they get out. They should be purple the whole time (never white).
追加情報It happens on my PCB, it's the TMHT 2p version. Actually if this never been mentioned then i probably never would have noticed it since it happens so fast :-) - Stefan Lindberg
添付ファイルpng filetmnt062gre_shot1.png (2008-02-23 07:41)
png filetmnt062gre_shot2.png (2008-02-23 07:42)