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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2008-02-22 07:472008-02-22 07:47
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者 ソースtaito/taito_f2.cpp
セット pulirula
pulirula - プリルラ (海外版)
概 要後半の面で、波と影のプライオリティ不具合がある。
詳 細On a later level, the shadow is behind the waves but not behind the water below. Better to see if you throw those strange, huge microwave ovens, it will be behind the waves but all other will be visible.
追加情報ok now i have checked the priority with the water also and it is just as seen in the screenshot... in other words the priority in Mame seems to be as bad as on original hardware ;-) - Stefan Lindberg
添付ファイルpng filepulirula056gre_1_shot2.png (2008-02-22 07:47)