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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2008-02-22 07:342008-02-22 07:34
テスターBugfinder担当者 ソースtaito/taito_f2.cpp
セット growl
growl - ルナーク / Growl (海外版, Rev 1)
概 要コインを2つ入れて、1Pゲームを開始、"YOU WON'T GET AWAY THIS."のメッセージが出たらプレイヤー2をスタートすると、このメッセージがずっと消えない。
詳 細Insert 2 coins, start one player game, then when message "YOU WON'T GET AWAY THIS." appears, enter player two. The message won't get away anymore and if both players die, the message "GAME OVER" will have the message still too, though a bit messed up. This may be a bug in the game as it also happens in Raine.
追加情報I checked it with my PCB and it happens there too, see pic. - Stefan Lindberg (0.116u2)
添付ファイルpng filegrowl057gre.png (2008-02-22 07:34)
jpg filegrowl_notbug.jpg (2008-02-22 07:34)