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比較テスト認証済み未処理2008-02-08 22:322008-02-08 22:33
テスターGary Walton担当者 ソースnichibutsu/wiping.cpp
セット wiping
wiping - ワイピング
概 要実機との比較テスト。
詳 細Regarding my last SBS test for this game, the music has now been resolved. However, there is one other slight audio issue. Here it is:

Update from original SBS test.

Test Conditions:
Date: 29th July 2001
mamew 37B16


1) Sprites still present on startup
2) Timing of music now perfect.

Another music issue has appeared. When your man comes on the screen ready to start the game, my PCB plays the music same as emulation. However, in the background there is a 'tick tock' type of beat. In mame, this is another sound effect (similar to one in crazy climber, I think). The 'tick tock' effect is also present on 'game over' jingle.

Of course, this could be a fault on my (original) PCB. Needs verification.

Generally, this is an *excellent* emulation. The music emulation, in particular, is awesome, faithfully recreating the nuances of the original. Excellent.