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グラフィック認証済み未処理2008-02-08 20:572018-12-03 22:09
テスターIaspis担当者 ソースtaito/taito_f2.cpp
セット ssi
ssi - MJ-12 / Super Space Invaders '91 (海外版, revised code, Rev 1)
概 要ごく希に、Tアイテムを取って蝶が現れている間、画面の一番下に化けグラフィックが出る。めったに起きない。
詳 細In some rare occasions, when you get the 'T' bonus, the butterfly flickers and you can see graphic "garbage" in the bottom line of the stage, as shown in the attached pic. I have only reproduced this one in a 2p game and it's quite rare, so please be patient.

The flicking outline seems to be the "item" box in the center which rapidly changes position.

Updated by robiza in 0.108u5: In the source you can find for ssi:

IRQ6 does nothing. IRQ5 copies bytes 0 and 8 *ONLY* of sprite data (code, color, flip, ctrl). The other bytes of sprite data (coordinates and zoom) are updated by the main program. The same sprite data caching that works for dondokod avoids major glitches, but I'm not sure it's working right when the big butterfly (time bonus) is on screen (it flickers on and off every frame).

The bug is evident with two players, butterfly and shot of the ship in the screen (not ever).
添付ファイルpng filessi0104u3gre.png (2008-02-15 02:52)
zip filessi.zip (2018-11-27 22:51)