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解決済み修正済み2024-04-10 10:402024-04-12 22:33
修正コミット e2b3371プルリク
セット trs80l2 trs80m3 trs80m4 coco
coco - Color Computer
trs80l2 - TRS-80 Model I (Level II Basic)
trs80m3 - TRS-80 Model III
trs80m4 - TRS-80 Model 4
概 要片面DMKファイルが認識されない。
詳 細MAME fails to identify single-sided DMK disk image files and rejects loading them.
再現手順Try to load a DMK file e.g.
mame -w trs80m3 -flop1 TRSDOS13.dmk

Results in:
Fatal error: Device 5.25" double density floppy drive load failed: Unable to identify image file format
追加情報At least one problem: dmk_dsk.cpp checks for byte 4 to be zero but that byte contains flags (e.g. single-sided)
The "i =4" below should be "i = 5"
for (int i = 4; i < 0x10; i++)
if (header[i] != 0x00)
return 0;
Introduced by wilbertpol in this commit:

There may be other problems but this is the most likely.
添付ファイルzip filetrsdos13.zip (2024-04-10 10:40)