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ゲームプレイ解決済み修正済み2024-03-22 22:532024-03-31 03:41
修正コミット 914b1d9プルリク
セット avengers, buraiken
avengers - 必殺!無頼拳 / Avengers (US版, revision C)
概 要MCUの同期問題について。
詳 細Hi Haze & AJR,
I hooked up the mcu in fbn in similar fashion to MAME, and got a different effect when the game starts:
With dips set to normal, the first set of enemies that come out circle around the player, basically avoiding the player at any cost if they havn't moved yet. I spent a few days debugging and thinking the problem was with my impl, but, it's not. The problem is, MAME is actually missing a good latch write which tells the MCU to go after the inverse of the player's coordinates (meaning: don't touch the player) at the game start. Of course, if you put the difficulty to hard, they will go right for the player 1 @ start, but @ normal, you'll see the enemies do their very best to avoid the player.
Here's the proof: load up avengers, open debugger and watch the error log. As the game starts and the enemies come on-screen, you'll see the previous latches should be FF on a missed latch, except for 1: B6. Basically, the mcu "not sending a command" is FF and "an actual command" is !FF.
添付ファイルpng fileavengers.png (2024-03-22 22:53)