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システムコア解決済み修正済み2024-02-23 16:542024-02-24 05:34
修正コミット bd09f30プルリク
セット pool10j, pool10k
pool10j - Pool 10 (イタリア版, set 9)
pool10k - Pool 10 (イタリア版, set 10)
概 要マージセットのAuditが無い。
詳 細Pool10k and Pool10j, clones of pool10, go to the unavailable filter/folder in the MAME UI when you audit the fully merged, best available set.

Repro in .262 release and current tip of tree: 0.262 (mame0262-320-g50401e234a9)
再現手順1. Put fully merged pool10.zip into \roms (this zip contains 13 clones).
2. Launch mame.exe, hit F1 and do a full audit.
3. Observe Pool10j and pool10k in the unavailable filter.

If you launch them you get incorrect length messages on the palcd20v8h.u22 and *.u23 roms
and for pool10j
incorrect length on the palce16v8h.u5, palce20v8h.u22, and palce20v8h.u23
追加情報From an additional set of eyes:

Well, if you fully merge the pool10 sets you run into this:

rom name="palce16v8h.u5" size="2194" crc="123d539a" sha1="cccf0cbae3175b091a998eedf4aa44a55b679400" status="baddump" region="plds" offset="0"

rom name="palce16v8h.u5" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"

Since the second one is a nodump, it won't appear at all in your archive but the other one does. They are differently sized and I guess MAME loads a nodump by name (since no checksum is known) and then finds the one from pool10e which has a different size.
添付ファイルpng file1.png (2024-02-23 17:01)