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ゲームプレイ仮承認未処理2023-08-31 12:402023-09-02 07:09
テスターVasiliyFamiliya担当者 ソースapple/macquadra630.cpp
セット macqd630
macqd630 - Macintosh Quadra 630
概 要Marathonのフロッピー版を起動中にError 16が出る。
詳 細Althought, on the less powerful models of Mac even the installation process used to fail, so we have at least some progress...
再現手順Unpack the SIT archive with a StuffIt for Windows, then convert .img files to .dsk using Macintosh DiskCopy (https://www.bigmessowires.com/2013/12/16/macintosh-diskcopy-4-2-floppy-image-converter/ ) and use taken DSK images for Marathon installation.
追加情報Because of Marathon still not presented in Software list, the game copy was taken from OldGames: https://www.old-games.ru/game/download/get.php?fileid=14070&modal=1
Serial number is here: https://www.old-games.ru/game/download/get.php?fileid=13604&modal=1
mac81 from mac_hdd software list was used as an OS.
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2023-08-31 12:40)