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BugID: #08641

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
未処理2023-05-24 17:372023-06-07 01:43
テスターAugusto担当者 ソース
概 要VSyncとHLSLを同時に有効にすると速度が50%になる。
詳 細Hello.
Ubuntu 20.04.6 Nvidia driver 470.182.03 GT 640.

I had started any game using BGFX HLSL NTSC and strangely the gameplay run in 30 FPS or half speed even with CPU in power profile performance and video card in less of 60 % usage.
Thus I had used frameskip 5 and 6 and the game run in 100 % speed and visually is as not are happening an frameskip 6.
For me was as if is being rendered exactly as NTSC is 30 FPS.
I had ignored it, but when starting an game with vsync disabled not happen that "frame rate limit".
The game is emulated in 100 % speed and gpu usage is 100 %.
I have tested with several others options enabled and disabled in mame.ini ... the problem is only when vsync is enabled.
Also in Nvidia X Server Control Panel was disabled vsync and others settings, not fixing that error.
Not happen that error in others softwares and games.

Have an nice week.