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BugID: #08627

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インターフェイス仮承認未処理2023-05-06 09:572023-05-09 21:16
テスターRobbbert担当者 ソース
セット UI
概 要___empty.iniの設定で一般設定が上書きされる。
詳 細General settings should be coming from mame.ini, but anything in ___empty.ini is overwriting.

Save settings is still going to mame.ini (as it should).
再現手順Make sure you don't have a ___empty.ini
In your mame.ini, set window 1 and filter 0.
Start mame.
Go into General Settings, Video Options
You'll see that it says Bilinear Filtering Off, and Windows Mode On - don't change anything.
Quit mame.
Create ___empty.ini
Add 2 lines:
filter 1
window 0
Save the file.
Start mame, go into General Settings, Video Options as before.
Now you'll see that it says Bilinear Filtering On, and Windows Mode Off.
If at this point you save the settings, those errors will be saved to mame.ini and be imposed upon your games.
追加情報I found this out because I thought it would be nice to have the menu full screen, while keeping the games windowed (this worked).
Later I decided to Skip BIOS selection menu, saved. Suddenly all the games were now full screen.