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その他新規未処理2017-12-27 00:502017-12-27 00:50
テスターFirehawke担当者 ソースcps1.cpp
セット All
概 要コントローラのCFGが正しくパースされない。
詳 細Expected results:
The controller mapping should have copied over as-is and be exactly how I'd originally set it up. It should affect all CPS1.C-based games.

Actual results :
Punches and kicks are swapped. Light punch and light kick get swapped, mediums are swapped, and FP/RK are swapped.

This seems to affect CPS1 and CPS2 (it may affect others, but those are two of the three types I was testing with). NeoGeo works perfectly when copied over from the mapped controls to the controller CFG file. Note that my example has the NeoGeo mapped to default, but it worked fine mapped to neogeo with different button layout for default as well.
再現手順run "mame64 sf2ceua"
Go into inputs, map buttons as desired for your controller.
exit MAME
Open sf2ceua.cfg in one instance of notepad.
Open a second copy of notepad and create a controller .cfg file.
Paste over the controls from the sf2ceua.cfg into the controller .cfg and set them to be for all under cps1.c
Delete sf2ceua.cfg
run "mame64 sf2ceua -ctrlr fhcustom"
追加情報See https://github.com/Firehawke/MAMESupportStuff/blob/master/fhcustom.cfg for example controller config.