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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2017-01-17 18:402017-07-21 19:28
セット ptrmj
ptrmj - PTリーチ麻雀 (日本版)
概 要パドルとボールが見えない。
詳 細This game is supposed to be a mahjong / ball & paddle hybrid. The ball and paddle are used to hit tiles from the wall (top of the screen), those tiles are treated as your drawn tiles for the mahjong part of the game.

With this rom, the ball & paddle mechanic is emulated, but the ball and the paddle are invisible, making the game much harder than it should be, as you draw considerably less tiles, and have no control over what you draw.

Some proof that the game is indeed a ball & paddle game :
- video:

- blurry flyer: http://mamedev.emulab.it/undumped/index.php?title=Mahjong
- description in japanese: http://www1.odn.ne.jp/beni/game/block/pt_maj.html notice that the page contains words like ラケット (paddle), ボール (ball), ブロックくず (block kuzushi)

There might be more invisible game elements (the video shows the discarded tiles, but it could be a different version).
再現手順Here is a simple way to see that this mechanic is indeed present in the emulated rom:

- start a new game, move your cursor to a corner of the screen (is must still be visible), and wait until your hand is full
- most of the time you will only get one tile per turn (the decreasing counter is the turn counter, or more precisely the ball counter)
- sometimes (once every 2 or 3 games), at some point, the entire remainder of your hand will be filled in one turn

The explanation for this weird behavior is that the invisible ball get stuck in a loop between the invisible paddle on the corner of the screen and the upper wall, hitting tiles until the hand is full, without dropping the ball.