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その他認証済み未処理2014-10-15 04:142024-02-01 08:32
テスターdemotester担当者 ソースatari/atari400.cpp
セット a5200
概 要Acid800 Test Suiteの結果について。
詳 細Acid800 Test Suite (latest version 1.1): http://www.virtualdub.org/downloads/Acid800-1.1.7z

Acid800-1.1 (Acid5200 Standalone)
antic_addresswrap ...(+) Pass
antic_addrmirror ........(-) Fail -> NMIST bit 6 was not set on VBLANK.
antic_blockednmi ......(-) Fail -> VBI handler should not have executed.
antic_charcontrol .......(-) Fail -> $04 on mode 3 at row 0: expected $F0, got $00.
antic_default ..............(+) Pass
antic_dlistwrap ...........(-) Fail -> DLI was not carried over around VBLANK.
antic_dlitiming ............(-) Fail -> Even count incorrect: $09 != $0a.
antic_dmapattern .......(-) Fail -> Incorrect timing for mode 02-a.
antic_hiresbug ............(-) Fail -> Collision not found with bug: $00.
antic_hscrolbug ..........(-) Fail -> Unstopped PF DMA test failed: cl=02.
antic_linebuffering ......(-) Fail -> Readout incorrect for aliased mode 8: 00000000.
antic_nmist ..................(-) Fail -> DLI bit was not set in NMIST with DLIs disabled.
antic_pfstarttiming ......(-) Fail -> Character mode DMACTL early test failed: stride=20.
antic_pfstoptiming ......(-) Fail -> Character mode DMACTL early test failed: stride=16.
antic_pmdma ..............(-) Fail -> One-line P0 data bad at line 8: $00.
antic_vcount .................(-) Fail -> VCOUNT #1 wrong: $02 != $01.
antic_virtdma ...............(-) Fail -> Pattern #2 was not correct: 00 != $05.
antic_vscroldli .............(-) Fail -> VSCROL took effect too early.
antic_vscroll .................(-) Fail -> Failed test #1: expected 12, got 13.
antic_wsync .................(-) Fail -> Initial RANDOM incorrect: $AF != $95.
cpu_bugs ......................(-) Fail -> NMI handler executed too early or late: FD.
cpu_clisei .....................Skipped -> Serial output complete IRQ not responding.
cpu_decimal ................(+) Pass
cpu_flags ......................(+) Pass
cpu_illegal ....................(+) Pass
cpu_insn .......................(+) Pass
cpu_timing .....................(-) Fail -> Incorrect DEX/BNE cycle count: 6.
gtia_addrmirror .............(+) Pass
gtia_collision ..................(-) Fail -> P/P collisions were detected in HBLANK on left.
gtia_collision2.................(-) Fail -> Gr.8 %01 collision incorrect: $0F.
gtia_consol .....................(-) Fail -> CONSOL value #1 bad: $00 != $04.
gtia_default .....................(-) Fail -> GTIA default value wrong: $FF.
gtia_phantomdma .........(-) Fail -> Phantom DMA byte #1 was not $AD (was $0F).
gtia_pmoverlap ..............(-) Fail -> Pass 0.1: Pos=64, Expected 0F, Got 00.
gtia_pmresize ................(-) Fail -> 4x-to-1x failed at index 0: expected $80, got $E0.
gtia_pmretrigger ............(-) Fail -> Player did not retrigger properly.
gtia_psuedomodee ......(-) Fail -> Cycle 14 test failed: 00.
gtia_vdelay ......................(-) Fail -> No delay 1/4 failed: 00 != $01.
pokey_addrmirror ............(+) Pass
pokey_asyncrecv ..............(-) Fail -> Timer #4 IRQ fired with async recv mode active.
pokey_default ....................(-) Fail -> POKEY default value wrong: $00
pokey_inittiming ...............(-) Fail -> Incorrect 15KHz cycle count (even): $31
pokey_irqtiming ................(-) Fail -> Incorrect cycle count (even): $08
pokey_noise ......................(-) Fail -> Incorrect 9-bit PRNG value: $AF
pokey_seroc ......................(-) Fail -> SEROC IRQ was not set when enabled.
pokey_timergranularity ....(-) Fail -> Interaction count was 36 (should be 39-49).
pokey_timerirq ..................(+) Pass
pokey_twotone ..................(-) Fail -> Too many timer 2 interrupts on mark: 48 (should be 16).
Passed: 9, Failed: 37, Skipped: 1

(Note: If tested with an older unofficial messui0143u3b it says: Passed: 10, Failed: 36, Skipped: 1)
追加情報AFAIK, the emu Altirra 2.50 pass all 47 tests.

JFI ... Acid800-1.2beta -> http://atariage.com/forums/topic/171296-acid800-an-atari-test-suite/page-5#entry2878382