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その他解決済み修正済み2014-08-27 22:402014-09-03 09:32
テスターjoemagiera担当者 ソースmidway/williams.cpp
セット All sets in williams.c
概 要実機ではテスト用の特殊なボタンがあるが再現されていない。
詳 細On most Williams classic era games (Robotron, Joust, Stargate, Bubbles, Inferno, Joust 2, Mystic Marathon, Blaster, etc.), there is a 3 button test switch inside the coin door: Advance, Auto Up/Manual Down (AU/MD), High Score Reset. MAME uses keyboard F2 for Advance and keyboard F1 for AU/MD. In an actual real game, the auto up/manual down is not a “push and hold” type button. If you press and release, it goes to the other position from what it was and stays that way, either up or down.

In game over/attract mode, if you press advance, it goes into test screens. At this point certain test screens are impacted depending which direction the AU/MD is currently sitting. Typically pressing Advance takes you to the next self test, i.e., RAM, ROM, CMOS, SOUND, etc. When you get to the sound test, it does one of two things. I don’t remember which way is which so I might have this backwards. If the AU/MD is up, it will just keep repeating the current sound. If the AU/MD is down, it will cycle through all the different sounds (again, I might have that backwards). After going through the sound check, you can press advance to get to the next test.

What I’ve found in MAME is the AU/MD button on the sound self test is not working as it should. When you get to the sound self test, it just sits and repeats the first sound whether you press AU/MD (F1) to up or down position. I have also found if you press F1 several times rapidly, MAME will eventually take you to the next sound. But then it just keeps repeating the sound. I’ve tried holding down the F1, but that doesn’t work (you shouldn’t have to do it that way anyhow). So the bug is when in self test on sound check, MAME doesn’t recognize when F1 is hit. Well, not when you hit it just once. If you hit it several times, it will advance once to the next sound. But then just sit and repeat again. I can’t get it to automatically cycle through the sounds (which is dependent on which direction AU/MD is set).
再現手順In game over/attract mode, hit F2 (Advance), keep pressing advance until you get to sound test. At this point, press F1 (Auto Up / Manual Down, AU/MD). Depending which way the AU/MD is currently sitting, the current sound should repeat, or it should cycle through all sounds. When F1 is only pressed once, always just repeats current sound. If F1 pressed several times quickly, will advance to next sound, but then repeats instead of cycling through all sounds.
追加情報I tried this in several games, Inferno, Mystic Marathon, Joust, Joust 2, Bubbles, so I’m guessing the behavior is in all of the Williams.c games.