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ステート保存/再生解決済み修正済み2013-05-14 19:252021-03-24 02:50
テスターsbeasley2808担当者Ryan Holtzソースsega/mdconsole.cpp
修正コミット 19b9f02プルリク #7883
セット megadriv [evander,wboymw]
概 要EEPROMの値が保存されない。
詳 細Games that normal save progress to EEPROM do not save any file to nvram. A file called "mdslot_rom_eeprom_i2cmem" is saved but does not seem to contain any data for continuing on with EEPROM games.

This bug also effects saving for Sports Talk Baseball and Wonder Boy in Monster World and possibly others.
再現手順evander: Start game, play game. Get to a point during gameplay when you are asked to save progression. After accepting the save progress the saved game data is not backed up. Starting the game again does not show "continue career".
wboymw: Start game, get to the first inn, select YES-YES-NO (want to rest and quit after saving). Game is supposed to give a continue option after pressing start on title screen.
添付ファイルpng file0001.png (2020-08-25 10:05)